Conference archive
- Jahrestreffen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mesolithikum (MesoAG) 2023 in Duvensee
- Bildpraktiken zwischen Weltbildern und Normsetzungen, Workshop zur Methodik der Bildforschung, 28.02.-1.03.2023, Mainz
- Slavs, Balts and Germans on the territory of Belarus in the 1st millennium: an archaeological panorama
- International Workshop: Quarries and Mines in Social Context
- Slavs and their neighbors in the 1st millennium A.D.
- EAA 2021 Kiel
- Technology, land use and social organisation: Connecting Patterns in Neolithic and Bronze Age Europe
- Conference with major ZBSA participation: Bear and human – facets of a multi-layered relationship (Sweden, October 2019)
- 37. Tvaerfaglige Vikingesymposium Hedeby/Slesvig, Danevirke and beyond – the External Perspective
- International Open Workshop: Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 15,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes VI
- Falconry conference an der New York University Abu Dhabi, März 2018
- 2nd meeting of the AHRC network: Silver, Status and Society: the transition from Late Roman to Early Medieval Europe
- Falknerei-Vortragsreihe beim Vierten Falknerei-Festival in Abu Dhabi, moderiert durch Dr. Oliver Grimm
- Gold foil figures in focus
- Plenartreffen SPP Häfen 16. bis 18. Januar 2017
- 25. Treffen der AG GIS-Küste am 19.-20. Mai 2016 Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig
- Internal Workshop: „Hohen Viecheln“
- CAU Kiel: Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes IV
- Falconry Workshop, March 5-7th 2014
- UISPP Final Palaeolithic
- Ancient Centers, Special Economic Zones and – Restart! New Aspects of Viking Age Urbanism, c. 750-1100
- Late Glacial Reindeer Migrations Workshop, Juni 2012
- Stone Age Bog Site Workgroup
- Tagung: Quo vadis? Langfristige Forschungsprojekte in der europäischen Archäologie
- »Workshop Workshop« – The elusive gold smithies of the north (October 2011)
- Workshop »Jagd in Nordeuropa im Zeitraum von 500 bis 1500«
- Nordic Blade Technology Network, Workshop 2011, 24-26 March
- Runen-Workshop, 3. bis 4. Februar 2011
- Gudme/Gudhem-Workshop (April 2010)
- Kammergräber im Barbaricum (November 2010)