Thorsten Lemm: Die frühmittelalterlichen Ringwälle im westlichen und mittleren Holstein
This book, which has been written as a doctoral thesis at the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology, represents the first comprehensive work on the ring-forts from the 9th to the 11th centuries within the former Saxon settlement area north of the river Elbe. In detail the author discusses the fortresses´ locations, constructions and find materials and interprets them within their archaeological, historical and geographical contexts. Even military-theoretical considerations are included within the interpretations. As a result of his analyses and by taking account of recent historical conclusions the author presents an all new perspective on the ring-forts and Saxon Northelbia as a whole.

Published by the Archaeological State Museum and the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology under the aegis of the Foundation of the Schleswig-Holstein State Museums at Schloss Gottorf.
Authors: Lemm, Thorsten
Publisher: Wachholtz Verlag
ISBN: 9783529018066
Price: 130€
21 x 29,7 cm, 776 p., 2 vol., numerous illustrations and plates, 2013.
In the series Publications of the Archaeological State Museum Vol. 11