Prof. Dr. habil. Berit Valentin Eriksen
E-Mail: berit.eriksen@zbsa.eu • Telefon: +49/(0)4621/813 – 482 • Fax: +49/(0)4621/813 – 535 Personal data Born 1960 in Horsens, Denmark Academic qualifications 1984 Masters degree in Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Aarhus 1989 PhD degree in Prehistoric Archaeology from the University of…
Lithics Analysis Laboratory
Lithic analysis is a key-element in all projects related to the study of prehistoric hunter-gatherers and will remain so in future Stone Age research. The approach employed in modern lithic studies emphasises a dynamic technological analysis of primary production sequences…
Hammelev – a Maglemose cremation grave from Southern Jutland, Denmark
PD Dr. Berit Valentin Eriksen Publication project with curator Hans Chr. Andersen, Museum Sønderjylland In 2001 the archaeology division of Museum Sønderjylland investigated a settlement from the late Roman Iron Age (200–375 AD) situated high up the northern slope of…
Defining the Ahrensburgian. Contributions from a technological study of reindeer antler artefacts
PD Dr. Berit Valentin Eriksen In 1897 Sophus Müller, head of the National Museum of Denmark, reported on two recent finds of reindeer antler clubs from Nørre Lyngby (locus classicus of the now obsolete Lyngby culture) and Odense Canal. Unfortunately…
Crafts apprenticeship and transmission of knowledge in Early Bronze Age flint working
PD Dr. Berit Valentin Eriksen Technological progress is often regarded as one of the major sources of socio-cultural change; and the introduction of metallurgy poses no exception to this rule. In fact, this may well have been the singularly most…
Late Glacial and Earliest Postglacial Database Project
PD Dr. Berit V. Eriksen, Dr. Sonja Grimm, Dr. Mara-Julia Weber This project seeks to establish a reliable and searchable GIS database encompassing all data relevant to the archaeology and palaeo-ecology of the Late Glacial and Earliest Postglacial. This database…
Pioneers of the North: Transitions and Transformations in Northern Europe evidenced by High-Resolution Datasets (c. 15000–9500 BCE) (SFB 1266, B1)
Prof. Dr. Berit V. Eriksen, Dr. Sonja B. Grimm, Dr. Mara-Julia Weber (MfA), Stine Detjens MSc. Das Projekt B1 „Pioniere des Nordens: Veränderungen und Transformationen in Nordeuropa auf Grundlage hochauflösender Datensätze (ca. 15.000–9.500 v.Chr.)“ ist Teil des 2016 von der…
StoneAgeBogs workgroup
Dr. Harald Lübke, Dr. Daniel Groß, PD Dr. habil. Berit V. Eriksen, Dr. Markus Wild Aus diesem Grund wurde auf der 8. Internationalen Konferenz zum Mesolithikum in Europa (MESO2010) in Santander, Spanien, von einem mit der Thematik befassten internationalen Kollegenkreis…