Dr. Sonja B. Grimm

Dr. Sonja B. Grimm

E-Mail: sonja.grimm@zbsa.eu • Telefon: +49/(0)4621/813 – 348 • Fax: +49/(0)4621/813 – 535

Current research focus


  • transformations,
  • adaptation and expansion processes,
  • social norms,
  • chronology,
  • spatial dynamics,
  • lithic typo-technology,
  • interdisciplinary studies

chronological: Upper and Final Palaeolithic, Early Mesolithic

geographical: North-West Europe

Academic degrees

Dr. phil. in prehistory / Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

M.A. in prehistory / University of Cologne

Academic career

since 2016
Post-Doc at ZBSA in the project „Pioneers of the North

Research associate at UCL Institute of Archaeology

Research assistant for the head of research at the ZBSA

Research assistant and Museum personnel in MONREPOS

Research assistant for the head of research at the ZBSA

PhD phase II, dissertation at MONREPOS, RGZM

practical experiences in museums & as editorial assistant

PhD phase I, Prince Maximilian of Wied scholarship at MONREPOS, RGZM & Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

excavation and freelance experience in Archaeology

MA studies in prehistory and early history, African studies and archaeology of the Roman provinces at the University of Cologne

Committee work

since 2018
founder and co-chair of EAA Palaeolithic and Mesolithic (PaM) community

since 2018
Secretary of the UISPP commission „The Final Palaeolithic in Northern Eurasia“ (elected member since 2014)

Scholarship, awards, & grants

Travel grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in San Francisco (2,034 €)

nominee for the Johanna Mestorf award for outstanding dissertations in the field of human-environmental research and landscape archaeology

nominee of the RGZM for the Leibniz Association Young Scientists Award (round of last 10 out of 600 dissertations)

Travel grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG), UISPP congress in Lisbon (737 €)

scholarship for dissertations in Pleistocene archaeology of the Prince Maximilian of Wied Foundation / Neuwied (14,760 €)


S. B. Grimm, S. Detjens, Interdisziplinäre Steinzeitforschung im Liether Moor. Heimatkundliches Jahrbuch für den Kreis Pinneberg 2023, 2022, 229-245.

S. Charlton, S. Brace, M. Hajdinjak, R. Kearney, T. Booth, H. Reade, J. Tripp, K. L. Sayle, S. B. Grimm, S. M. Bello, E. A. Walker, A. Gilardet, P. East, I. Glocke, G. Larson, T. Higham, C. Stringer, P. Skoglund, I. Barnes, R. E. Stevens, Dual ancestries and ecologies of the Late Glacial Palaeolithic in Britain. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6, 2022, 1658–1668. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-022-01883-z

S. B. Grimm, B. V. Eriksen, S. Krüger, T. Reuter, M. Wild, M.-J. Weber, Late Glacial occupation of northern Germany and adjacent areas. Revisiting the archives. In: S. Gaudzinski-Windheuser, O. Jöris (eds.), The Beef behind all possible pasts. The tandem-Festschrift in honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street. Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 157, 2 (Mainz 2021), 433-457. https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/propylaeum/catalog/book/950/c12572

H. Reade, S. Grimm, P. Neruda, Z. Nerudová, M. Robličková, J. Tripp, K. Sayle, R. Kearney, P. Schauer, K. Douka, T. F. G. Higham, R. Stevens, Magdalenian and Epimagdalenian chronology and palaeoenvironments at Kůlna Cave, Moravia, Czech Republic. Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences 13, 2021, 4. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-020-01254-4

I. Clausen, M.-J. Weber, S. B. Grimm, Das Paläolithikum in Schleswig-Holstein. Archäologische Nachrichten aus Schleswig-Holstein 2020, 2020, 22-25. https://www.ansh2020.de/en/pa_the-palaeolithic-in-schleswig-holstein
S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, K. Gerken, M.-J. Weber, On the onset of the Early Mesolithic on the North German Plain. In: A. Zander, B. Gehlen (eds.), From the Early Preboreal to the Subboreal period – Current Mesolithic research in Europe. Studies in honour of Bernhard Gramsch. Mesolithic Edition / Edition Mesolithikum 5 (Kerpen-Loogh 2020), 15-37.

C. Willmes, K. Niedzółka, B. Serbe, S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, A. Miebach, M. Märker, F. Henselowsky, A. Gamisch, M. Rostami, A. Mateos, J. Rodríguez, H. Limberg, I. Schmidt, M. Müller, E. Hölzchen, M. Holthausen, K. Klein, C. Wegener, B Weninger, T. K. Nielsen, T. Otto, G.-C. Weniger, O. Bubenzer, Bareth, G., State of the art in paleoenvironmentalmapping for modelling applications in archaeology – Summary, conclusion, and future directions from the PaleoMaps Workshop. Quaternary 3(2), 2020, 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/quat3020013

H. Reade, J. Tripp, S. Charlton, S. B. Grimm, D. Leesch, W. Müller, K. Sayle, A. Fensome, T. F. G. Higham, I. Barnes, R. E. Stevens, Deglacial landscapes and the Late Upper Palaeolithic of Switzerland. Quaternary Science Reviews 239, 2020, 106372. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277379120303346?dgcid=coauthor

H. Reade, J. A. Tripp, S. Charlton, S. B. Grimm, K. L. Sayle, A. Fensome, T. F. G. Higham, I. Barnes, R. E. Stevens, Radiocarbon chronology and environmental context of Last Glacial Maximum human occupation in Switzerland. Nature Scientific Reports 10, 2020, 4694. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-61448-7.epdf

S. B. Grimm, M.-J. Weber, L. Mevel, I. Sobkowiak-Tabaka, Not quite as far as from the Atlantic to beyond the Bug river – an editorial. In: S. B. Grimm, M.-J. Weber, L. Mevel, I. Sobkowiak-Tabaka (eds.), From the Atlantic to beyond the Bug river. Finding and defining the Federmesser-Gruppen / Azilian. RGZM-Tagungen 40 (Mainz 2020), VII-IX.

S. B. Grimm, L. Mevel, I. Sobkowiak-Tabaka, M.-J. Weber (eds.), From the Atlantic to beyond the Bug river. Finding and defining the Federmesser-Gruppen / Azilian. Tagungen des RGZM 40 (Mainz 2020).

W. Hamer, D. Knitter, S. B. Grimm, B. Serbe, B. V. Eriksen, O. Nakoinz, R. Duttmann, Location modelling of Final Palaeolithic sites in Northern Germany. Geosciences 9, 2019, 430. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/9/10/430/htm

S. B. Grimm, Resilience and Re-organisation of Social Systems during the Weichselian Lateglacial in Northwest-Europe. An evaluation of the archaeological, climatic, and environmental records. Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum 128 (Mainz 2019).

L. Mevel, S. B. Grimm, From one camp to another. First results of a comparative techno-economic analysis of the Federmesser-Gruppen lithic industries from the Central Rhineland. In: B. V. Eriksen, E. Rensink, S. Harris (eds.), The Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia. Proceedings of the Amersfoort, Schleswig and Burgos UISPP Commission meetings. Schriften des Museums für Archäologie Schloss Gottorf, Ergänzungsreihe 13 (Kiel 2019), 105-135.

V. P. J. Arponen, S. B. Grimm, K. Ott, A. Ribeiro, K. Kittig, L. Käppel, B. Thalheim, Y. Kropp, J. Brinkmann, S. Filatova, Between Natural and Human Sciences: On the role and character of theory in socio-environmental Archaeology. The Holocene, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683619857226

V. P. J. Arponen, W. Dörfler, I. Feeser, S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, M. Hinz, D. Knitter, N. Müller-Scheesel, K. Ott, A. Ribeiro, Environmental determinism and archaeology: Understanding and evaluating determinism in research design. Archaeological Dialogues 26, 2019, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1380203819000059

V. P. J. Arponen, W. Dörfler, I. Feeser, S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, M. Hinz, D. Knitter, N. Müller-Scheesel, K. Ott, A. Ribeiro, Two cultures in the times of interdisciplinary archaeology. A response to commentators. Archaeological Dialogues 26, 2019, 19-24. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1380203819000102

A. Zander, B. Gehlen, L. Amkreutz, S. Andersen, M. Bjørnevad, M. Briel, C. Conneller, O. Craig, S. Croft, A. Czekaj-Zastawny, E. Cziesla, M. Divišová, E. Eckmeier, J. Eigner, B. V. Eriksen, F. Faasch, B. Fischer, C. French, R. Geerts, K. Gerken, J. Goldhammer, A. G. Jones, S. Grimm, D. Groß, S. Hartz, M. Heinen, C. Heron, D. Hofmann, M. Ismail-Weber, T. Jensen, J. Kabaciński, B. Knight, A. Kotula, C. Krahn, S. Krüger, A. Little, H. Lübke, A. Lucquin, S. Mahlstedt, J. Meadows, A.-K. Meyer, N. Milner, B. Nash, A. Needham, M. Niekus, E. Noack, E. Oras, J. Orschiedt, E. B. Petersen, T. Poelmann, D. Pomstra, C. Posch, S. Pratsch, F. Prekop, M. Řezáč, T. Richter, H. Robson, G. Roth, C. Rowley, U. Schmölcke, N. Schneid, W. Schön, R. Schulting, B. Smit, M. Sørensen, B. Spies, H. Stäuble, V. Steele, B. Taylor, L. Thielen, M.-J. Weber, M. Wild, S. Wolters, Conference report: The 26th Annual Meeting of the German Mesolithic Workgroup. Archäologische Informationen 40, 2017, 401-422.

J. P. Brozio, W. Dörfler, B. V. Eriksen, S. Grimm, D. Groß, S. Hartz, W. Kirleis, J. Kneisel, H. Lübke, J. Meadows, J. Müller, U. Schmölcke, TransformationsDimensionen – Wildbeuter, Bodenbauer und frühe Metallurgen im Fokus – Sonderforschungsbereich 1266: ein neues Großprojekt der Uni Kiel. Archäologische Nachrichten Schleswig-Holstein 2016, 2017, 18-21.

M. Bradtmöller, J. Riel-Salvatore, S. B. Grimm (guest eds.), Adaptive cycles in archaeology. Special issue of Quaternary International 446, 2017. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/10406182/446?sdc=1

S. B. Grimm, J. Riel-Salvatore, M. Bradtmöller, Adaptive cycles in archaeology (Editorial). Quaternary International 446, 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.07.032

M. Bradtmöller, S. Grimm, J. Riel-Salvatore, Resilience theory in archaeological practice – An annotated review. Quaternary International 446, 2017, 3-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2016.10.002

S. B. Grimm, D. Holst, Umbrüche am Ende der Eiszeit. Spektrum der Wissenschaften, Januar 2017, 76-82.

S. B. Grimm, Rezension von “The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers” herausgegeben von Vicky Cummings, Peter Jordan und Marek Zvelebil. Germania 94 (2016), 2017, 281-284.

L. Moreau, S. B. Grimm, M. Street, A newly discovered shaft smoother from the open air site Steinacker, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Quartär 61, 2014, 159-164. https://doi.org/10.7485/QU61_09

S. B. Grimm, Review of “Lateglacial and Postglacial Pioneers in Northern Europe” by Felix Riede and Miikka Tallaavaara (eds.). Quartär 61, 2014, 192-195.

J. Holzkämper, I. Kretschmer, A. Maier, M. Baales, A. von Berg, J. A. A. Bos, M. Bradtmöller, K. Edinborough, S. Flohr, L. Giemsch, S. B. Grimm, J. Hilpert, A. J. Kalis, T. Kerig, D. Leesch, J. Meurers-Balke, L. Mevel, J. Orschiedt, M. Otte, A. Pastoors, P. Pettitt, E. Rensink, J. Richter, F. Riede, I. Schmidt, R. W. Schmitz, S. Shennan, M. Street, Y. Tafelmaier, M.-J. Weber, K. P. Wendt, G.-C. Weniger, A. Zimmermann, The Upper-Late Palaeolithic Transition in Western Central Europe. Typology, Technology, Environment and Demography. Report on the workshop held in Rösrath, 21st – 24th June 2012. Archäologische Informationen 36, 2014, 161-186.

S. Grimm, D. S. Jensen, M.-J. Weber, A lot of good points – Havelte points in the context of Lateglacial tanged points in north-western Europe. In: M. J. L. T. Niekus, R. N. E. Barton, M. Street, T. Terberger (eds.), A mind set on flint. Studies in the honour of Dick Stapert (Groningen 2012) 251–266.

M.-J. Weber, S. B. Grimm, M. Baales, Between warm and cold – Impact of Dryas III on human behavior in Central Europe. Quaternary International 242, 2011, 277–301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2010.12.002

F. Riede, S. B. Grimm, M.-J. Weber, J. M. Fahlke, Neue Daten für alte Grabungen. Ein Beitrag zur spätglazialen Archäologie und Faunengeschichte Norddeutschlands. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 40, 2010, 297-316.

M.-J. Weber, S. B. Grimm, Dating the Hamburgian in the context of Lateglacial chronology. In: P. Crombé, M. van Strydonck, J. Sergant, M. Boudin, M. Bats (eds.), Chronology and evolution within the Mesolithic of North-West Europe. Proceedings of an international meeting, Brussels, May 31st – June 1st 2007 (Newcastle 2010) 3-21.

S. B. Grimm, M.-J. Weber, The chronological framework of the Hamburgian in the light of old and new 14C dates. Quartär 55, 2008, 17–40. https://doi.org/10.7485/QU55_02

W. Heuschen, F. Gelhausen, S. Grimm, M. Street, Neue altsteinzeitliche Kunst aus dem Siegtal. Archäologie im Rheinland 2005, 2006, 31–34.

W. Heuschen, F. Gelhausen, S. B. Grimm, M. Street, Ein verzierter Retuscheur aus dem mittleren Siegtal. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 36, 2006, 17-28.

M. Street, F. Gelhausen, S. Grimm, F. Moseler, L. Niven, M. Sensburg, E. Turner, S. Wenzel, O. Jöris, L’occupation du bassin de Neuwied (Rhénanie centrale, Allemagne) par les Magdaléniens et les groupes à Federmesser (aziliens). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 103, 2006, 753-780. https://doi.org/10.3406/bspf.2006.13504

S. B. Grimm, Ein spätallerødzeitlicher Fundplatz bei Bad Breisig, Kreis Ahrweiler. Berichte zur Archäologie an Mittelrhein und Mosel 9, 2004, 11–32.

M. Baales, S. Grimm, O. Jöris, Hunters of the „Golden Mile“. The late Allerød Federmessergruppen Site at Bad Breisig, Central Rhineland, Germany. Notae Praehistoricae 21, 2001, 67–72.

H. Reade, S. Grimm, P. Neruda, Z. Nerudová, M. Robličková, J. Tripp, K. Sayle, R. Kearney, P. Schauer, K. Douka, T. F. G. Higham, R. Stevens, Magdalenian and Epimagdalenian chronology and palaeoenvironments at Kůlna Cave, Moravia, Czech Republic. Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences 13, 2021, 4. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-020-01254-4

I. Clausen, M.-J. Weber, S. B. Grimm, Das Paläolithikum in Schleswig-Holstein. Archäologische Nachrichten aus Schleswig-Holstein 2020, 2020, 22-25. https://www.ansh2020.de/en/pa_the-palaeolithic-in-schleswig-holstein
S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, K. Gerken, M.-J. Weber, On the onset of the Early Mesolithic on the North German Plain. In: A. Zander, B. Gehlen (eds.), From the Early Preboreal to the Subboreal period – Current Mesolithic research in Europe. Studies in honour of Bernhard Gramsch. Mesolithic Edition / Edition Mesolithikum 5 (Kerpen-Loogh 2020), 15-37.

C. Willmes, K. Niedzółka, B. Serbe, S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, A. Miebach, M. Märker, F. Henselowsky, A. Gamisch, M. Rostami, A. Mateos, J. Rodríguez, H. Limberg, I. Schmidt, M. Müller, E. Hölzchen, M. Holthausen, K. Klein, C. Wegener, B Weninger, T. K. Nielsen, T. Otto, G.-C. Weniger, O. Bubenzer, Bareth, G., State of the art in paleoenvironmentalmapping for modelling applications in archaeology – Summary, conclusion, and future directions from the PaleoMaps Workshop. Quaternary 3(2), 2020, 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/quat3020013

H. Reade, J. Tripp, S. Charlton, S. B. Grimm, D. Leesch, W. Müller, K. Sayle, A. Fensome, T. F. G. Higham, I. Barnes, R. E. Stevens, Deglacial landscapes and the Late Upper Palaeolithic of Switzerland. Quaternary Science Reviews 239, 2020, 106372. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277379120303346?dgcid=coauthor

H. Reade, J. A. Tripp, S. Charlton, S. B. Grimm, K. L. Sayle, A. Fensome, T. F. G. Higham, I. Barnes, R. E. Stevens, Radiocarbon chronology and environmental context of Last Glacial Maximum human occupation in Switzerland. Nature Scientific Reports 10, 2020, 4694. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-61448-7.epdf

S. B. Grimm, M.-J. Weber, L. Mevel, I. Sobkowiak-Tabaka, Not quite as far as from the Atlantic to beyond the Bug river – an editorial. In: S. B. Grimm, M.-J. Weber, L. Mevel, I. Sobkowiak-Tabaka (eds.), From the Atlantic to beyond the Bug river. Finding and defining the Federmesser-Gruppen / Azilian. RGZM-Tagungen 40 (Mainz 2020), VII-IX.

S. B. Grimm, L. Mevel, I. Sobkowiak-Tabaka, M.-J. Weber (eds.), From the Atlantic to beyond the Bug river. Finding and defining the Federmesser-Gruppen / Azilian. Tagungen des RGZM 40 (Mainz 2020).

W. Hamer, D. Knitter, S. B. Grimm, B. Serbe, B. V. Eriksen, O. Nakoinz, R. Duttmann, Location modelling of Final Palaeolithic sites in Northern Germany. Geosciences 9, 2019, 430. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/9/10/430/htm

S. B. Grimm, Resilience and Re-organisation of Social Systems during the Weichselian Lateglacial in Northwest-Europe. An evaluation of the archaeological, climatic, and environmental records. Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum 128 (Mainz 2019).

L. Mevel, S. B. Grimm, From one camp to another. First results of a comparative techno-economic analysis of the Federmesser-Gruppen lithic industries from the Central Rhineland. In: B. V. Eriksen, E. Rensink, S. Harris (eds.), The Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia. Proceedings of the Amersfoort, Schleswig and Burgos UISPP Commission meetings. Schriften des Museums für Archäologie Schloss Gottorf, Ergänzungsreihe 13 (Kiel 2019), 105-135.

V. P. J. Arponen, S. B. Grimm, K. Ott, A. Ribeiro, K. Kittig, L. Käppel, B. Thalheim, Y. Kropp, J. Brinkmann, S. Filatova, Between Natural and Human Sciences: On the role and character of theory in socio-environmental Archaeology. The Holocene, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683619857226

V. P. J. Arponen, W. Dörfler, I. Feeser, S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, M. Hinz, D. Knitter, N. Müller-Scheesel, K. Ott, A. Ribeiro, Environmental determinism and archaeology: Understanding and evaluating determinism in research design. Archaeological Dialogues 26, 2019, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1380203819000059

V. P. J. Arponen, W. Dörfler, I. Feeser, S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, M. Hinz, D. Knitter, N. Müller-Scheesel, K. Ott, A. Ribeiro, Two cultures in the times of interdisciplinary archaeology. A response to commentators. Archaeological Dialogues 26, 2019, 19-24. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1380203819000102

A. Zander, B. Gehlen, L. Amkreutz, S. Andersen, M. Bjørnevad, M. Briel, C. Conneller, O. Craig, S. Croft, A. Czekaj-Zastawny, E. Cziesla, M. Divišová, E. Eckmeier, J. Eigner, B. V. Eriksen, F. Faasch, B. Fischer, C. French, R. Geerts, K. Gerken, J. Goldhammer, A. G. Jones, S. Grimm, D. Groß, S. Hartz, M. Heinen, C. Heron, D. Hofmann, M. Ismail-Weber, T. Jensen, J. Kabaciński, B. Knight, A. Kotula, C. Krahn, S. Krüger, A. Little, H. Lübke, A. Lucquin, S. Mahlstedt, J. Meadows, A.-K. Meyer, N. Milner, B. Nash, A. Needham, M. Niekus, E. Noack, E. Oras, J. Orschiedt, E. B. Petersen, T. Poelmann, D. Pomstra, C. Posch, S. Pratsch, F. Prekop, M. Řezáč, T. Richter, H. Robson, G. Roth, C. Rowley, U. Schmölcke, N. Schneid, W. Schön, R. Schulting, B. Smit, M. Sørensen, B. Spies, H. Stäuble, V. Steele, B. Taylor, L. Thielen, M.-J. Weber, M. Wild, S. Wolters, Conference report: The 26th Annual Meeting of the German Mesolithic Workgroup. Archäologische Informationen 40, 2017, 401-422.

J. P. Brozio, W. Dörfler, B. V. Eriksen, S. Grimm, D. Groß, S. Hartz, W. Kirleis, J. Kneisel, H. Lübke, J. Meadows, J. Müller, U. Schmölcke, TransformationsDimensionen – Wildbeuter, Bodenbauer und frühe Metallurgen im Fokus – Sonderforschungsbereich 1266: ein neues Großprojekt der Uni Kiel. Archäologische Nachrichten Schleswig-Holstein 2016, 2017, 18-21.

M. Bradtmöller, J. Riel-Salvatore, S. B. Grimm (guest eds.), Adaptive cycles in archaeology. Special issue of Quaternary International 446, 2017. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/10406182/446?sdc=1

S. B. Grimm, J. Riel-Salvatore, M. Bradtmöller, Adaptive cycles in archaeology (Editorial). Quaternary International 446, 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.07.032

M. Bradtmöller, S. Grimm, J. Riel-Salvatore, Resilience theory in archaeological practice – An annotated review. Quaternary International 446, 2017, 3-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2016.10.002

S. B. Grimm, D. Holst, Umbrüche am Ende der Eiszeit. Spektrum der Wissenschaften, Januar 2017, 76-82.

S. B. Grimm, Rezension von “The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers” herausgegeben von Vicky Cummings, Peter Jordan und Marek Zvelebil. Germania 94 (2016), 2017, 281-284.

L. Moreau, S. B. Grimm, M. Street, A newly discovered shaft smoother from the open air site Steinacker, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Quartär 61, 2014, 159-164. https://doi.org/10.7485/QU61_09

S. B. Grimm, Review of “Lateglacial and Postglacial Pioneers in Northern Europe” by Felix Riede and Miikka Tallaavaara (eds.). Quartär 61, 2014, 192-195.

J. Holzkämper, I. Kretschmer, A. Maier, M. Baales, A. von Berg, J. A. A. Bos, M. Bradtmöller, K. Edinborough, S. Flohr, L. Giemsch, S. B. Grimm, J. Hilpert, A. J. Kalis, T. Kerig, D. Leesch, J. Meurers-Balke, L. Mevel, J. Orschiedt, M. Otte, A. Pastoors, P. Pettitt, E. Rensink, J. Richter, F. Riede, I. Schmidt, R. W. Schmitz, S. Shennan, M. Street, Y. Tafelmaier, M.-J. Weber, K. P. Wendt, G.-C. Weniger, A. Zimmermann, The Upper-Late Palaeolithic Transition in Western Central Europe. Typology, Technology, Environment and Demography. Report on the workshop held in Rösrath, 21st – 24th June 2012. Archäologische Informationen 36, 2014, 161-186.

S. Grimm, D. S. Jensen, M.-J. Weber, A lot of good points – Havelte points in the context of Lateglacial tanged points in north-western Europe. In: M. J. L. T. Niekus, R. N. E. Barton, M. Street, T. Terberger (eds.), A mind set on flint. Studies in the honour of Dick Stapert (Groningen 2012) 251–266.

M.-J. Weber, S. B. Grimm, M. Baales, Between warm and cold – Impact of Dryas III on human behavior in Central Europe. Quaternary International 242, 2011, 277–301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2010.12.002

F. Riede, S. B. Grimm, M.-J. Weber, J. M. Fahlke, Neue Daten für alte Grabungen. Ein Beitrag zur spätglazialen Archäologie und Faunengeschichte Norddeutschlands. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 40, 2010, 297-316.

M.-J. Weber, S. B. Grimm, Dating the Hamburgian in the context of Lateglacial chronology. In: P. Crombé, M. van Strydonck, J. Sergant, M. Boudin, M. Bats (eds.), Chronology and evolution within the Mesolithic of North-West Europe. Proceedings of an international meeting, Brussels, May 31st – June 1st 2007 (Newcastle 2010) 3-21.

S. B. Grimm, M.-J. Weber, The chronological framework of the Hamburgian in the light of old and new 14C dates. Quartär 55, 2008, 17–40. https://doi.org/10.7485/QU55_02

W. Heuschen, F. Gelhausen, S. Grimm, M. Street, Neue altsteinzeitliche Kunst aus dem Siegtal. Archäologie im Rheinland 2005, 2006, 31–34.

W. Heuschen, F. Gelhausen, S. B. Grimm, M. Street, Ein verzierter Retuscheur aus dem mittleren Siegtal. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 36, 2006, 17-28.

M. Street, F. Gelhausen, S. Grimm, F. Moseler, L. Niven, M. Sensburg, E. Turner, S. Wenzel, O. Jöris, L’occupation du bassin de Neuwied (Rhénanie centrale, Allemagne) par les Magdaléniens et les groupes à Federmesser (aziliens). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 103, 2006, 753-780. https://doi.org/10.3406/bspf.2006.13504

S. B. Grimm, Ein spätallerødzeitlicher Fundplatz bei Bad Breisig, Kreis Ahrweiler. Berichte zur Archäologie an Mittelrhein und Mosel 9, 2004, 11–32.

M. Baales, S. Grimm, O. Jöris, Hunters of the „Golden Mile“. The late Allerød Federmessergruppen Site at Bad Breisig, Central Rhineland, Germany. Notae Praehistoricae 21, 2001, 67–72.

Posters at conferences and workshops


S. Grimm, S. Detjens, B.V. Eriksen, M.-J. Weber, Die Ahrensburger und das Liether Moor (Hamburg 2022 / De-cember). – Presentation at the 5th round table meeting of “Stone Age” researchers in northern Germany.

S. B. Grimm, S. Detjens, B. V. Eriksen, S. Krüger, A. Oflaz, T. Reuter, M.-J. Weber, Why did they come? The Lieth Moor and the recolonisation of northern Germany (Warsaw 2022 / September). – Presentation at the symposium “Recent discoveries and new concepts” of the U.I.S.P.P. commission “The Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia”.

S. Grimm, S. Detjens, Palaeolithic and Mesolithic research in Schleswig‐Holstein ‐ scanning the moor (Wilhelmshaven 2022 / September). – Presentation at the Workshop “Survey strategies for Mesolithic sites”.

S. Grimm, Resilience at the shifting margins? Different patterns of resilience in Late Palaeolithic northern Germany (Dublin 2022 / June). – Presentation in session “Living well with natural hazards? Investigating pat-terns of hunter-gatherer-fisher resilience” at the 13th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS 13).

S. Grimm, M. Bradtmöller, A matter of scale in space and time? Collapse, Adaptation and Reorganisation (virtual 2022 / June). – Presentation in Resilient communities Workshop, University College Dublin.

S. B. Grimm, Studying resilience in Northern Europe at the end of the Pleistocene (virtual 2022/ March). – Presentation in the Prehistoric Archaeology Seminar, Hebrew University Jerusalem.

S. Grimm, B.V. Eriksen, M.-J. Weber, S. Detjens, Neues zum Spätglazial in Schleswig-Holstein – Recent results from Lateglacial research in SH (Nykøbing, Falster 2022 / March). – Presentation at the 30th annual meeting of the Workgroup Mesolithic.

S. B. Grimm, B. V. Eriksen, M.-J. Weber, S. Detjens, A. Oflaz, T. Reuter, Pioniere im Liether Moor (Kiel 2021 / December). – Presentation at the 4th round table meeting of “Stone Age” researchers in northern Germany.

H. Reade, J. Tripp, S. Charlton, D. Leesch, W. Müller, S. Grimm, R. Stevens, Environmental context of Badegoulian and Magdalenian activity in Late Glacial Switzerland (Paris 2018 / June). – Poster in session XXXVII-2. “Human subsistence and settlement patterns during the Late-Glacial and early Holocene: insights from bones” at the 18th UISPP congress.

B. V. Eriksen, S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, S. Hartz, S. Krüger, H. Lübke, J. Meadows, U. Schmölcke, M.-J. Weber, Transitions and transformations of complex foragers in Northern Europe (Rendsburg 2017 / Juni). – Poster at the 80th meeting of the Workgroup of northern German Geologists.

B. V. Eriksen, S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, S. Hartz, S. Krüger, H. Lübke, J. Meadows, U. Schmölcke, M.-J. Weber, Transitions and transformations of complex foragers in Northern Europe (Aurich 2017 / April). – Poster at the 59th annual meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Society.

B. V. Eriksen, S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, S. Hartz, S. Krüger, H. Lübke, J. Meadows, U. Schmölcke, M.-J. Weber, Transitions and transformations of complex foragers in Northern Europe (Wuppertal 2017 / March). – Poster at the annual meeting of the Workgroup Mesolithic.

R. E. Stevens, H. Reade, S. B. Grimm, T. F. G. Higham, I. Barnes, UP-NORTH: Colonisation and Cultural Diversification in Northern Europe during the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition (Amiens 2016 / June). – Poster in the session 3 “L’Europe du Nord-Ouest autour de 10 000 BP (9 600 cal.BC): quels changements?” at 28th prehistoric congress of France.

R. E. Stevens, H. Reade, S. B. Grimm, T. F. G. Higham, I. Barnes, UP-NORTH: Colonisation and Cultural Diversification in Northern Europe during the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition (Southampton 2016 / January). – Poster at “Unravelling the Palaeolithic 2016”, University of Southampton.

R. E. Stevens, H. Reade, S. B. Grimm, T. F. G. Higham, I. Barnes, UP-NORTH: Colonisation and Cultural Diversification in Northern Europe during the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition (Southampton 2016 / January). – Poster at Quaternary Research Association annual discussion meeting, Royal Holloway London.

S. B. Grimm, M.-J. Weber, Into the North – Lateglacial expansion/s into northern Europe (Herne 2011 / April). – Poster at the 53rd annual meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Society.

M.-J. Weber, S. B. Grimm, From ash to ice – Impact of Mid-Lateglacial environmental events on hunter-gatherer societies in Western Central Europe (Santander 2010 / September). – Poster at the 8th international conference “Mesolithic in Europe“.

M.-J. Weber, S. B. Grimm, “Up to date“ – discussing the Late Glacial Havelte Group on the basis of classic Hamburgian and Havelte Group 14C-record, supplemented by unpublished dates from Meiendorf, Poggenwisch, Stellmoor and Slotseng (Brusseles 2007 / May-June). – Poster at the international meeting “Chronology and evolution in the Mesolithic of N(W) Europe”.

W. Heuschen, F. Gelhausen, S. Grimm, M. Street, Ein seltenes, spätpaläolithisches Kunstwerk aus dem mittleren Siegtal (Cologne 2006 / April). – Poster at the 48th annual meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Society.

Presentations at conferences and workshops

S. B. Grimm, B. V. Eriksen, G. Günther, D. Knitter, S. Krüger, M.-J. Weber, M. Wild, Challenges in using computational archaeology with limited data: A case study from Final Palaeolithic Schleswig-Holstein (virtual 2021 / September). – Presentation in session 297 “Modelling complexity: Past interactions between people, climate and environment [PAM]” at the 27th annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA).

M. Bradtmöller, S. B. Grimm, Climate victims? Climate experts! – New narratives for our past and future existence (virtual 2021 / September). – Presentation in session 479 “From climate change to activism: How can European hunter-gatherer archaeology contribute towards broader contemporary debates? [PAM]” at the 27th EAA annual meeting.

S. B. Grimm, B. V. Eriksen, M.-J. Weber, S. Krüger, Untersuchungen zum Spätpaläolithikum Schleswig-Holsteins und darüber hinaus (virtual 2020 / November). – Presentation at the 3rd round table meeting of “Stone Age” researchers in northern Germany.

S. B. Grimm, M. Bradtmöller, Proxies, proxies, proxies – Defining parameters for operationalising resilience and identifying system transformation in the Palaeolithic record (virtual 2020 / August). – Presentation in the session 436 “Now you can’t see me! Searching for Resilience as an archaeologically observable phenomenon” at the 26th EAA annual meeting.

S. B. Grimm, B. V. Eriksen, S. Krüger, K. Winkler, M. Wild, B. Serbe, T. Burau, M. Hinrichs, M.-J. Weber, Transformationen im Spätpaläolithikum (Wilhelmshaven 2019 / December). – Presentation at the round table meeting of “Stone Age” researchers in northern Germany.

S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, B. V. Eriksen, M. Hinrichs, S. Krüger, K. Winkler, M.-J. Weber, From semi-curated to expedient? Difficulties in identifying the transition from Ahrensburgian to the Early Mesolithic in northern Germany (Bern 2019 / September). – Presentation in session 284 “Untangling the Final Palaeolithic and Early Mesolithic in Europe” at the 25th EAA annual meeting.

S. B. Grimm, D. Knitter, W. Hamer, B. Serbe, B. V. Eriksen, Past and modern fuzziness: How to find out more about Final Palaeolithic mobility patterns (Bern 2019 / September). – Presentation in session 279 “Quantifying Stone Age mobility: Scales and parameters” at the 25th EAA annual meeting.

S. B. Grimm, D. Groß, S. Söderlind, M.-J. Weber, A million miles away. Transformations and migration of knowledge in the Final Palaeolithic and Mesolithic in Northern Europe (Strasbourg 2019 / May). – Presentation at the joint session “On the move. Mobility of people, objects and ideas between the LGM and the beginning of the Holocene” of the Société Préhistorique Française and the Hugo-Obermaier-Gesellschaft.

S. B. Grimm, B. V. Eriksen, S. Krüger, M.-J. Weber, B. Serbe, K. Winkler, T. Burau, M. Hinrichs, Pioneers of the North – Transitions and Transformations in Northern Europe Evidenced by High-Resolution Datasets (c. 15000–9500 BCE) (Kiel 2019 / March). – Presentation in CRC 1266 session at International Open Workshop “Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes VI”.

S. B. Grimm, B. Serbe, M. Hinrichs, K. Winkler, S. Krüger, M.-J. Weber, B. V. Eriksen, I. Clausen, In the heart of the Ahrensburgian – what do we actually know about the Final Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers in northern Germany? (Kiel 2019 / March). – Presentation in session 1 at International Open Workshop “Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes VI”.

S. B. Grimm, B. Serbe, B. V. Eriksen, M.-J. Weber, K. Winkler, S. Krüger, T. Burau, M. Hinrichs, I. Clausen, Zur Verteilung von spätglazialen Steinartefakten in Grabungsflächen in Norddeutschland (Tübingen 2019 / February). – Presentation at the annual meeting of the Workgroup Mesolithic.

S. B. Grimm, B. V. Eriksen, S. Krüger, K. Winkler, B. Serbe, T. Burau, M. Hinrichs, M.-J. Weber, Pioniere des Nordens (Rostock 2018 / November). – Presentation at the round table meeting of “Stone Age” researchers in northern Germany.

S. B. Grimm, How can artificial intelligence help us understand the Final Palaeolithic pioneers? (Barcelona 2018 / September). – Presentation in session 652 “Understanding change during the Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic” at the 24th EAA annual meeting.

S. B. Grimm, Lateglacial pioneers in northern Germany – Is life really better at the lake? (Paris 2018 / June). – Presentation in session II-1. “Hunter-gatherers and farmers faced with climate change: adaptation and sustainability” at the 18th U.I.S.P.P. congress.

S. B. Grimm, T. Burau, S. Krüger, B. Serbe, M.-J. Weber, Die Fundregion am Liether Moor (Weimar 2018 / February). – Presentation at the annual meeting of the Workgroup Mesolithic.

S. B. Grimm, V. Arponen, Finding the pioneers of the North – more than just a data problem (Asking philosophical questions about hunter-gatherer research) (Maastricht 2017 / August). – Presentation in session 120 “Between research history and cutting-edge analysis. Cultural taxonomies as the building blocks for the European Stone Age” at the 23rd EAA annual meeting.

S. B. Grimm, B. V. Eriksen, S. Krüger, M.-J. Weber, Pioniere des Nordens – Einwandern in sich wandelnde Landschaften (Rendsburg 2017 / June). – Presentation at the 80th meeting of the Workgroup of northern German Geologists.

S. B. Grimm, B. V. Eriksen, Pioneers of the North – first steps are always the hardest (Aurich 2017 / April). – Presentation at the 59th annual meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Society.

S. B. Grimm, And now for something completely different… Studying Lateglacial transitions and transformations (Kiel 2017 / March). – Presentation in the session “Lost in the Lowlands – complementing the Early Lateglacial puzzle” at the International Open Workshop “Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes V”.

S. B. Grimm, Mesolithic Prelude – a crescendo of changes at the end of the Pleistocene (Wuppertal 2017 / March). – Presentation in the special session “How to define the Mesolithic?” at the annual meeting of the Workgroup Mesolithic.

S. B. Grimm, I. Barnes, S. Charlton, T. Higham, H. Reade, R. Stevens, UP-NORTH – Recolonisation, diversification, and the influence of climate (London 2016 / October). – Presentation at Palaeolithic-Mesolithic conference at the British Museum.

S. B. Grimm, Don’t give up! Magdalenian persistence in a changing world (Paris 2016 / October). – Presentation at the séminaire “Le meilleur des deux mondes. Environnements et sociétés du dernier maximum glaciaire à l’Holocène“.

S. B. Grimm, M. F. Mortensen, M. Theuerkauf, K. Winkler, Into the woods? Wind, water, woods (Amiens 2016 / June). – Presentation in the session 3 “L’Europe du Nord-Ouest autour de 10 000 BP (9 600 cal.BC): quels changements?” at 28th prehistoric congress of France.

S. B. Grimm, L. Mevel, The Federmesser-Gruppen – found in transition (Bonn 2015 / October). – Presentation at the symposium “100 years of the Bonn-Oberkassel double burial. New research on the Federmesser-Gruppen/Azilian”.

S. B. Grimm, Tempo and mode in human behavioural evolution (Glasgow 2015 / September). – Presentation in session AR2 “Adaptive cycles in Archaeology” at the 21st EAA annual meeting.

S. B. Grimm, The Younger Dryas in North-West Europe: Deconstructing the monolith (Kiel 2015 / March). – Presentation in the session “From the East to the West – Palaeoethnography of the Late Palaeolithic Tanged Point groups” at the International Open Workshop “Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes IV”.

S. B. Grimm, Every end is a new beginning. An adaptive cycle in North-West Europe during the Weichselian Lateglacial (San Francisco 2015 / April). – Presentation in the general session “Lithics in the Paleolithic” at the 80th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

S. B. Grimm, Should I stay or should I go? Alternative behavioural strategies of Late Magdalenian hunters and gatherers confronted with climatic and environmental changes (Burgos 2014 / September). – Presentation in the Session “The Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia” at the 17th U.I.S.P.P. congress.

S. B. Grimm, L. Mevel, From chaîne opératoire to adaptive cycles: Contextualising Early Azilian and Federmesser-Gruppen in their environment (Burgos 2014 / September). – Presentation in the session „From the Atlantic to beyond the Bug River – Finding and defining the Federmesser-Gruppen / Azilian on the North European Plain and adjacent areas“ at the 17th U.I.S.P.P. congress.

S. B. Grimm, Phase transition in behaviour – From Magdalenian to Federmesser-Gruppen in western Central Europe (Rösrath 2012 / June). – Presentation at the international Workshop “The Upper-Late Palaeolithic transition in western Central Europe. Typology, Technology, Environment and Demography” of the CRC 806.

S. B. Grimm, Into the great wide open. Marginalization as a motor of the Lateglacial expansion into northern Europe (Amersfoort 2012 / May). – Presentation at the symposium of the U.I.S.P.P. commission 32 “The Final Palaeolithic of the Great European Plain”.

S. B. Grimm, Sag‘ mir, wo die Funde sind… Zur Archäologie der Jüngeren Dryas in Nordeuropa (Halle 2011 / March). – Presentation at the 20th annual meeting of the Workgroup Mesolithic.

S. B. Grimm, Cultural transition in a changing landscape (Lisbon 2006 / September). – Presentation at Workshop 14 „Humans, environment and chronology of the Late Glacial of the North European Plain“ at the 15th U.I.S.P.P. congress.

S. Grimm, W. Heuschen, F. Gelhausen, M. Street, Windeck – Ein gravierter Retuscheur aus dem mittleren Siegtal (Herne 2006 / March). – Short presentation at the annual meeting of the Workgroup Mesolithic.

S. Grimm, Home with a view – a latent dwelling structure of the Final Palaeolithic site of Bad Breisig (Copenhagen 2005 / March). – Presentation at the annual meeting of the Workgroup Mesolithic.