Dr. Tomas Rimkus

Dr. Tomas Rimkus

E-Mail: tomas.rimkus@zbsa.eu • Telefon: +49/(0)4621/813 – 600 • Fax: +49/(0)4621/813 – 535


PhD in History in Archaeology

Klaipėda University, Doctoral studies in History and Archaeology

Klaipėda University, Master studies in Landscape Archaeology

Klaipėda University, Bachelor studies in History and Archaeology

Research interest

Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic in northern Europe, human mobility in the landscape, lithic technologies, osseous technologies, mobile art

Research projects

Post-doctoral research project ,,Connecting East and West: Technology of Hunter-Gatherers and its Development in the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Baltic Region“, Centre for Baltic and Scandnavian Archaeology

,,Stone Age Osseous Artefacts from Western Lithuania: Technology and Chronology”, Vilnius Academy of Arts

,,Man and Baltic Sea in the Meso-Neolithic: Relict Coasts and Settlements Below and Above Present Sea Level. ReCoasts&People“, Klaipėda University

Scientific groups and communities

Since 2018
Member of UISPP Commission The Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia

Since 2018
European Association of Archaeologists Member of Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Community

Since 2015
Member of Society of Lithuanian Archaeology

Since 2014
Member of European Association of Archaeologists

Selected papers read at the conferences
  • Flint knives: an experimental approach
  • From Rzucewo to Šventoji: heritage of Bay Coast (Rzucewo) culture
  • Six years of experimental traseology at Klaipėda University: accomplishments and future prospects
  • Amber disc from Daktariškė 5 Neolithic site: archaeology, use-wear, infrared and raman spectroscopy
  • First patterns about using of copper artefacts in producing of amber ornaments in western Lithuania
  • The elks of Šventoji: taking another closer look
  • Lyngby type artefacts before Last Glacial maximum in Lithuania
  • Decorated Late Palaeolithic spindle shaped dagger from Šarnelė, western Lithuania: archaeological and use-wear analysis
  • Late Glacial and Early Holocene settlements in the eastern Baltic coastal area. Where to find them?
  • Enigmatic T-shaped antler axes of the North-East European forest zone – an update
  • The re-investigation of Aukštumala peat bog: a Swiderian habitation site on a former lake island on the caostal area of Lithuania
  • Stone-Age in the environs of Lake Biržulis. New data
  • Biological, archaeological, and geological analysis of the coastal and underwater material of the Baltic Sea during the Early Holocene
  • Early Holocene human-environmental interaction along the coast of Yoldia Sea and Ancylus Lake, Lithuania: multidisciplinary approach
  • The newest lithic, bone and antler material and its research from the early Holocene sites of coastal Lithuania
  • The examples of mobile art on hunter-gatherer‘ (ca. 10 500 – 4 200 cal BC) bone and antler tools in Lithuania
  • Biržulis Lake area (West Lithuania): mixture of culture or parallel coexistence between 3000-1000 cal BC
  • First lithic concentration in Avotini Late Palaeolithic – Early Mesolithic site, Central Latvia
  • First inhabitants on the Baltic Ice Lake and Yoldia Sea shores: Stone Age sites at Aukštumala and their place in the context of the initial settling of the Lithuanian coast
  • Final Palaeolithic in Lithuania: chronology and taxonomy issues
  • The chronology and the technology of bone and antler tools at Palanga and Smeltės sites
  • Final Palaeolithic osseous implements technologies in the eastern Baltic: overview of data and taxonomy issues
  1. Girininkas, A., Rimkus, T., Slah, G., Daugnora, L., Stančikaitė, M. & Zabiela, G., 2016. Lyngby type artefacts of Lithuania in the context of the Stone Age in Europe: multidisciplinary study. Archeologija un etnografija 29,13–30.
  2. Rimkus, T., 2016. Microliths in fisheries? Use-wear and experimental study of composite tools of the Mesolithic South Lithuania. Archeologija un etnografija 29, 31–45.
  3. Rimkus, T. & Slah, G., 2016. Experimental and use-wear examinations of flint knives: reconstructing the butchering techniques of prehistoric Lithuania. Archaeologia Lituana 17, 77–88. https://doi.org/10.15388/ArchLit.2016.17.10683
  4. Girininkas, A., Rimkus, T., Slah, G. & Daugnora, L., 2017. Liungbiu tipo dirbiniai Lietuvoje (Lyngby type artefacts in Lithuania). Istorija 105 (1), 4–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.15823/istorija.2017.01
  5. Rimkus, T., 2018. Titnagas ir jo reikšmė akmens amžiaus bendruomenių ūkyje (Flint and its significance in economy of the Stone Age communities). Geologijos akiračiai 1, 11–16.
  6. Rimkus, T. & Bliujienė, A., 2018. Coastland amber gatherers of the Neolithic period. In: A. Bliujienė (ed.), The Klaipėda (Memel) region: from origins to the 17th century. Klaipėda: History Museum of Lithuanian Minor, 59–64.
  7. Rimkus, T., 2018. Burial of the dead in the Stone Age. In: The Klaipėda (Memel) region: from origins to the 17th century, Ed. Bliujienė, A. (Klaipėda: History Museum of Lithuanian Minor), 79–83.
  8. Rimkus, T., 2018. The first inhabitants of the region and their contacts. In: The Klaipėda (Memel) region: from origins to the 17th century, Ed. Bliujienė, A. (Klaipėda: History Museum of Lithuanian Minor), 125–130.
  9. Rimkus, T., 2018. Weaponry in the daily life of a hunter-fisherman-gatherer. In: The Klaipėda (Memel) region: from origins to the 17th century, Ed. Bliujienė, A. (Klaipėda: History Museum of Lithuanian Minor), 151–158.
  10. Bliujienė, A. & Rimkus, T., 2018. Amber in the context of the Stone Age worldview images. In: The Klaipėda (Memel) region: from origins to the 17th century, Ed. Bliujienė, A. (Klaipėda: History Museum of Lithuanian Minor), 185–190.
  11. Rimkus, T., 2018. Kongemose flint technology in the eastern Baltic area. Some examples from Lithuanian Stone Age sites. Archaeologia Baltica 25, 71–81. https://doi.org/10.15181/ab.v25i0.1831
  12. Iršėnas, M., Rimkus, T., Butrimas, A. & Slah, G., 2018. The elks of Šventoji: taking another closer look. Archaeologia Baltica 25, 125–139. https://doi.org/10.15181/ab.v25i0.1834
  13. Rimkus, T., 2019. In search of Lithuania coastal Mesolithic. Review of current data and the aims of an ongoing research project. Fornvännen 114 (1), 1–11.
  14. Rimkus, T., Butrimas, A., Iršėnas, M. & Meadows, J., 2019. The decorated spindle-shaped bone dagger from Šarnelė: the earliest example of hunter-gatherer mobile art in Lithuania. Archaeologia Baltica 26, 50–62. https://doi.org/10.15181/ab.v26i0.2022
  15. Rimkus, T., 2019. Akmens amžius Pietų Žemaitijoje. Nauji archeologiniai duomenys ir jų vieta Rytų Baltijos regiono kontekste (The Stone Age in southern Žemaitija. New archaeological data and its place in the context of the East Baltic region). Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis 39, 65–89. https://doi.org/10.15181/ahuk.v39i0.2117
  16. Rimkus, T., Ežerinskis, Ž., Šapolaitė, J. & Peseckas, K., 2020. Mesolithic AMS 14C evidence on microlithic and pressure blade technology in the Lakeland of eastern Lithuania. Lithic Technology 45 (4), 215–226. https://doi.org/10.1080/01977261.2020.1773144
  17. Butrimas, A., Rimkus, T. & Slah, G., 2020. Amber discs with cross decoration from the eastern Baltic region. A research case study from the Daktariškė 5 Neolithic settlement, western Lithuania. In: M. Bjørnevad-Ahlqvist & P. Bye-Jensen, eds. The life biographies of artefacts and ritual practice. With case studies from Mesolithic-Early Bronze Age Europe. BAR International series 2991. Oxford: Archaeopress, 35–46.
  18. Hussain, S.T., Matzig, D.N., Fontana, F., Groß, D., Hess, Th., Langlais, M., Fernandez-Lopez de Pablo, J., Mills, W., Naudinot, N., Posch, C., Rimkus, T., Shnayder, S., Stefanski, D. & Riede, F., 2020. Towards a collaborative meta-analysis of the Final Palaeolithic/earliest Mesolithic in Europe. Report on the 2nd CLIOARCH Workshop, 26th-27th November 2020. Archäologische Informationen 43, 415–420.
  19. Rimkus, T. & Girininkas, A., 2021. An attempt to link lithic complex with the Late Palaeolithic Rangifer tarandus antler axe from Parupė site, northern Lithuania. Archaeologia Baltica 28.
  20. Rimkus, T. & Girininkas, A., 2021. The Final Palaeolithic in the coastal part of Lithuania with the technological emphasis on Aukštumala Stone Age sites. Archaeologia Baltica 28.
  21. Bliujienė, A., Petrauskas, G., Bagdzevičienė, J., Babenskas, E., Zabiela, G. & Rimkus, T., 2021. Relevant changes in the composition of copper alloys reveal technological diversities in the transition from the Early Iron Age to the Early Roman period in Lithuania. Archaeologia Baltica 28.
  22. Damušytė, A., Girininkas, A., Rimkus, T., Stančikaitė, M., Valūnas, D., Daugnora, L., Skuratovič, Ž., Uogintas, D., Vaikutienė, G. & Žulkus, V., 2021. New insight into the environmental dynamics and human history in the Nemunas Delta region, W Lithuania, throughout the Lateglacial and Early Holocene. Baltica 34 (2).
  1. Rimkus, T., 2020. Katja Winkler, Ahrensburgien und Swiderien im mittleren Oderraum. Technologische und typologische Untersuchungen an Silexartefakten der Jüngeren Dryaszeit. Untersuchungen und Materialien zur Steinzeit in Schleswig-Holstein und im Ostseeraum, Band 11. Kiel-Hamburg: Wachholtz, 2019. – 496 pp. Archaeologia Baltica 27, 142–145.
  2. Rimkus, T., 2020. Working at the Sharp End: From Bone and Antler to Early Mesolithic Life in Northern Europe. Daniel Groß, Harald Lübke, John Meadows, Detlef Jantzen (eds). Untersuchungen und Materialien zur Steinzeit in Schleswig-Holstein und im Ostseeraum, Band 10. Kiel-Hamburg: Wachholtz, 2019. – 432 pp. Archaeologia Baltica 27, 136–141.